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Hania Aamir Indian Doppelganger Goes Viral

Hania Aamir Indian Doppelganger Goes Viral

Hania Aamir Indian Doppelganger Goes Viral

Hania Aamir Indian Doppelganger Goes Viral!

Another doppelgänger drama is trending on social media, creating quite a stir this time. Meet the Indian clone of Hania Aamir!

Yes, you read correctly: there is a dupe attracting notice from over the border for the stunning dimple queen of Pakistani showbiz.

A young man from India who looks a lot like Hania is seen lip-syncing to a Punjabi song in a viral video. Comments began to flow quickly on the internet in response to the story before you could say “twinning.”

The striking similarity elicits both amusing and emotional responses. Indians and Pakistanis are fascinated, agreeing that this viral sensation could easily be Hania’s double.

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