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BISP And MOIT Have Joined Forces Against Fraud

BISP And MOIT Have Joined Forces Against Fraud

BISP And MOIT Have Joined Forces Against Fraud

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and the Ministry of Information Technology (MOIT) agreed to make a plan to fight fraud that targets innocent people. Senator Rubina Khalif, the chair of BISP, highlighted the need for a national strategy with the assistance of MOIT to safeguard against frauds that take advantage of the name of the company at a meeting with Ms. Shaza Fatima Khawaja, Minister of State for IT & Telecommunication.

Senior Rubina Khalid underlined BISP’s ongoing attempts to lower poverty by training its customers in technical skills. Her invitation to MOIT to recommend IT-related programs and classes to BISP beneficiary families highlighted the significance of skill development in reducing poverty.

For the goal of enhancing transparency, BISP has implemented a new digital banking-based payment approach for quarterly stipend distributions. BISP aims to supply MOIT with a comprehensive digital solution for advice on ensuring transparent transactions and reducing fraud.

The state minister, Ms. Shaza Fatima Khawaja, promised her ministry’s complete collaboration in creating a digital strategy for beneficiary payments. It was handed down by both parties to designate focus points from each side to discuss and settle this issue during future sessions.

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