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Hyde-Addison Students Visit Pakistan Embassy

Hyde-Addison Students Visit Pakistan Embassy

Hyde-Addison Students Visit Pakistan Embassy

From Washington, D.C., a group of fifth graders of Hyde-Addison students visit Pakistan Embassy for the Adoption Program. The group and Embassy Officials exchanged knowledge about Pakistan’s geography, culture, sports, and fruits. Under this program, students in Washington, D.C. may participate in cultural exchange with embassies.

Masood Khan, the Pakistani ambassador, highlighted education and critical thinking throughout his speech to the Hyde-Addison Students Visit Pakistan Embassy. He awarded them high marks for their speeches and emphasized Pakistan’s dedication to education. Thanking Ambassador Khan for the chance to learn about Pakistan, Marie Connolly, the school supervisor, extended her gratitude.

The Roots Millennium School Islamabad Campus, a Pakistani school, participated in this year’s program, making it distinctive. They collaborated with students at Hyde-Addison, fostering relationships between youth from both countries. There were also particular statements from influential people in Pakistani education.

Ambassador Khan urged students to use technology to build global relationships. He inspired them to learn about Pakistani culture via reading, viewing documentaries, and conversing in person. The embassy staff introduced Pakistan’s history, geography, people, food, art, music, and sports to the visiting students.

At the end of the visit, the staff and students were invited to a mango festival by the Pakistani Embassy. This initiative promotes friendship and cross-cultural understanding by highlighting the strong connection between the Embassy and Hyde-Addison Elementary School.

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