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How to check Kisan Card

Kisan Card

Kisan Card

Are you worried about losing crops due to an unexpected event? Don’t worry; the Government of Pakistan has approved the Kisan card for eligible farmers to receive a loan or other benefits from this scheme. If you are new to this scheme, stay relaxed, as we will cover every point of this scheme for you, including the registration process, to make it easier for the deserving ones to gain access to this scheme.

Unexpected events such as thunderstorms, unpredictable rain, floods, etc. can occur, and one can only take precautions to prevent these happenings; nevertheless, we can’t stop these events from happening, but we can make a solution for them, especially after a loss. Hence, farmers who suffer from this happening the most would be able to take advantage of this scheme to cover up their loss and to keep the beneficiary precautions.

What is the Kisan Card Scheme?

kisan card overview

With the indication of the name, the Kisan Card Scheme is an initiative that was undertaken by the government of Pakistan for registered farmers to benefit them with many government schemes such as subsidies, insurance, loans, etc.  The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) supports this program. The registration process for this scheme has been simplified so one can get themselves registered in a smooth process.


Key features of the Kisan card scheme in Pakistan:

All the registered farmers who have received their Kisan cards can take advantage of the following benefits:

  1. Receive 50% off on farming supplies, including fertilizers, seeds, machines, and pesticides.
  2. Financial aid of Rs. 30,000/Acer
  3. necessary training on using modern technology.

Objectives of the Kisan card scheme:

This initiative was launched solely for the beneficial aid for the farmers to help out with their expenditures. Additionally, this scheme was introduced to:

  • Provide farmers with the necessary financial support.
  • To strengthen Pakistan’s agricultural sector
  • Providing relief to farmers to reduce their expenditure.
  • To cover the unpredictable loss of farmers
  • Provision of subsidies, including medicines, sprays, and loans.

Latest updates on Kisan card registration, September 2024:

The Kisan card scheme was officially opened on 1 June 2024. Following that, the government of Pakistan decided to take the necessary initiative to distribute 600,000 Kissan Cards by October 15, 2024. Approximately 850,000 farmers have been registered for the Kisan card scheme; out of 250,000 cards have been distributed, and the remaining will be distributed by October 15. Further, the government of Pakistan has established 134 tehsil centers for the Kisan Card Scheme and to provide facilities to the registered farmers.

How do I register for the Kisan Card Scheme in 2024?

The Kisan Card Scheme is one of the numerous programs introduced by the CM, Maryam Nawaz of Pakistan, which has reopened this scheme for registered farmers.

Due to the rising inflation rate and unpredictable events in Pakistan, the CM of Pakistan has smoothed up the process of registration for farmers so they can gain financial aid from this program. If you haven’t registered for this program, then take advantage of this article today and get yourself registered to avail of this scheme before the remaining cards get distributed, but to get registered, you must check whether or not you are eligible for this offer. To find out this, do not miss out on the eligible criteria given below.

● Eligibility Criteria:

An eligibility criteria is set for this scheme. This program is not for everyone; hence, one has to clear out this criterion to get themselves registered, including farmers. So if you are willing to register in this scheme to gain the necessary benefits, then this is your way to check your eligibility and get registered. Consider yourself eligible for this scheme if you fall into the mentioned criteria.

  • Your family income threshold is low.
  • You are a part of the Green Tractor Scheme.
  • You don’t have any outstanding bank loans.
  • You have a minimum land holding of more than 1 acre and less than 12 acres.

● Documents:

After checking your eligibility, you would have to submit the required documents as proof of evidence and access necessary information about your identity. These documents also help one to clear out any remaining doubts. The required documents usually include:

  • Your original CNIC card
  • A registered SIM card in your name.
  • Details about your farming profession.
  • Evidence of no outstanding bank loans.
  • Documentation of your poverty score.
  • Information about the land you hold.

Kisan Card Registration Check:

After clearing out the mentioned points, one would be able to register for this scheme. The registration process has been smoothed out, which makes it easier to get registered for this program, which is supervised by the CM of Punjab, Maryam Nawaz. There are 2 advanced methods to register yourself for this program. You can use any of the given methods for the registration process.

● Registration of Kisan Card by SMS:

The easiest and fastest way of getting yourself registered for the Kisan Card Scheme is just by sending a single SMS, which makes this method effortless and effective at the same time. Follow the given steps to register yourself for the Kisan card scheme.

Step 1: start composing a new message in your dialer app.

Step 2: Enter “pkc<space> CNIC number in the message.

Step 3: Send it to the 8070 Kisan card portal.

Step 4: Now wait for the confirmation message, which you will receive in a few minutes, that will contain the confirmation about your registration application and the next step in the procedure.

● Registration in the Kisan card scheme online:

Employ your registration into the Kisan card scheme by bank by using a traditional approach to registration, which is a simple method of this scheme. Now you can easily register yourself just by visiting a nearby bank.

Step 1: Firstly, visit the HBL Konnect Retailer shop or Agriculture Tehsil Center.

Step 2: Enter your query to the staff.

Step 3: The staff will start your registration using the HBL Kisan Card online. Apply using your biometric verification.

Step 4: After the verification, the HBL staff member will open up a mobile account for you.

Step 5: Then clear the farmer card payment, which is Rs. 500.

Step 6: After a few days, you can receive your HBL Konnect Kisan Card from the HBL Konnect retailer shop or the agricultural office.

Note: Not every bank is in collaboration with this scheme, so make sure to visit the one that is mentioned.


From where can you receive your registered Kisan card?

You can receive your registered Kisan card from the BOP Bank of Punjab.

Note: You will receive a notification for the collection of your card.

Kisan card loan:

One of the main benefits of using a Kisan card is the possession of receiving a Rs. 1,50,000 loan free of any interest. However, the government of Pakistan has allocated a limitation on it, which is 6 months. This is decided so the farmers will be able to obtain the loan again for their agricultural use.

Outcomes of the Kisan Card scheme:

The Kisan Card scheme was established to not only provide facilities to the farmers but also to strengthen the agricultural sector of Pakistan by providing necessary financial aid. This scheme was designed to:

  • Registration of the majority of farmers with subsidies.
  • Digitalization of the agriculture sector.
  • Provision of subsidies to the farmers for fertilization, such as NPKs, potash, SP, and DAP

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to receive a Kisan card?

It usually varies from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the registration process.

Can I use the Kisan card for non-agricultural purposes?

No, the Kisan card can only be used for agricultural purposes.

Are there penalties in case of failure to repay the loan?

Yes, a penalty fee may be included after the failure of the payment in the mentioned period.


The Kisan card is a valuable one for the farmers and for the overall agricultural sector that provides necessary beneficiaries, including financial aid for fertilizing machinery, an interest-free loan, and a reasonable effective duration to repay the loan. This initiative doesn’t only help the farmers but also helps to digitalize the whole agricultural sector. You can receive the Kisan card by registering yourself for this scheme, and one can utilize any of the given methods for registration.

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